Red and blue are very popular colors, from this color is also divided into several sub colors. The red color is burgundy, where the red color is more intense and almost towards purple and darker. For blue, they have navy, a sub color of blue color that is almost similar to the color of the ocean. The two can be a good combination when put together; you can use this color combination for anything.
7+ Navy And Burgundy Floral Frame Invitation Templates is one example that uses floral decorations where they use a combination of the two colors. Flowers made from watercolor techniques, soft and unobtrusive but sweetly embedded. Invitations that can be used for events as well as anything you will host. The first impression is simple but still attractive.
Making invitations is an important step in planning a party. That is to be distributed to future invited guests, informing them of what party is being held and the date when they can come and of course the address where the event will be held. It doesn’t need to be too flashy and has so many decorations; you only need to add small decorations here and there if you really need other decorations. Then add the event information in the middle where the frame is. It’s very easy, you just need to use it and then distribute it to the invited guests.
Download Information
• Right-click the preview image – select “Save Image As”
• After that, you have to locate where you want the file to be saved in your device (e.g. Desktop or Document).
• Tap “Enter” or click “Save” and the download process will be automatically started by now.
• Check the file by opening it with Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop.
• If you want to edit the writing with more styles, you can use Canva that is available online