Because own clothes and toys galore, some parents do not want their children received a birthday gift. You need to add a line to the law which states that a gift that does not want to get opinions without offending your guests. Words careful and creative alternatives to ensure your request can be understood and taken to heart as well as taking pressure from the guests to find the perfect gift
You can play with words on your invitation. Write the words lightly like “We want your presence, not a gift.” Because you do not want them brought the gift, you can to offering their intention to gift the other options. Asking them to offer a small donation to charity select children.
Let those who feel uncomfortable due to appear without a gift or bring an item of food. You can write a short note on the invitation, stating “Please you bring a potluck item, not a share of the prize.”
You can also offer group activities that require homemade gifts. Collecting books anal memory to hold pictures and cards when guests arrive and pass in front of the guests. Ask each guest to bring your wisdom written for you and read aloud. Write on the invitation, “rather than a gift, we ask you to give a keepsake to share with Michele on his birthday. No other gift is needed. “