Blue is the color of trust and loyalty. Blue has a relaxing and calming effect on us, seeing them feels like floating on air. They also represent patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. When overwhelming emotions consume us, we’re encouraged to decompress with the color blue. With a very beautiful and extraordinary meaning, of course blue is again the superior color that we choose this time. With the title 7+ Little Blue Gold Floral Wedding Invitation Templates, this invitation brings blue in a wedding invitation package.
Blue colors the background with a softer color choice. Then a slightly bolder shade of blue adorns a series of flowers that adorn the left side of the invitation frame in the center. And to complete it we also added a golden accent there. Perfecting this simple design with a sense of elegance and luxury from the golden frame and ornaments that we chose. As blue as the sky and the ocean, your party will surely be fun and relaxing. And if you wonder, how can I add that party information like in the example we add above then we will tell you a secret. One, you can use Microsoft Word.
Where you can use many cool and pretty fonts to make them more aesthetic or elegance. Or if you think that maybe using Ms. Word kind of hard and difficult the easy way is using Canva. That you can access in your phone or in your computer, and they are online! Where many styles and fonts are available and you can add some elements too to make it more pretty. There is so many way, so we hope you enjoy coming by here.
And the for the tiny download tutorial corner! Here we are, welcome to this little corner. Please read all the instructions we add here.
1. Have you choose which one you like the most? Then great! I know you will choose the most beautiful one that your heart feel happy by it
2. Then right-click on them, if an option pop out, choose the one with ‘save image as’
3. After you save them inside your computer then you ready to go!