Candy Themed Birthday Party Invitations
Hi Guys, please come and join at Lucy’s seventh birthday party. The birthday party themed is candy.
The party will be a lot of fun with colorful design as a color of candy.
The decoration will be set as a colorful candy, such as: Marshmallow, Lollipop, Gummy Bear, Stick Candy, Turkish Delight, Jelly Tots, M&M’s and so much more. It also will have so many candy, you can taste it all for free.
You will find a door prize in the lucky seat which has a marshmallow ticket. In the middle of the event, we will take the lucky person to give us the marshmallow ticket to get a doorprize.
The dress code is colorful. You are allowing to wear any colorful outfit or wants to wearing a costume is also allowing.
The party will have some fun games, so let’s join us in the game challenges, there will be an interesting prize for the winner!
The party will be so much fun, it will has a photo booth to make a moment.Everyone will give a one photo booth ticket and you can printed it to bring it home directly.
The photo booth will have some cute background and a property that you can use for taking a picture with your friends, your couples or you can take a picture by yourself and it’s all free.
The party will be held in:
Date: Saturday, 7 November 2015
Time: 17:00-20:00
Place: 1599 Stout Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
I can’t wait to see you at the party. See you soon!